Sunday, March 12, 2006

DPGC- The Future is Ours

(Uday and Qusay biting the bullet.. or TOW)

A brief history: First we created the League of Nations but it didn't work. So then we created the UN and it worked for a bit then stopped working. So we created NATO and it worked for a bit before it stopped working. Now we need the "Doesn't Play Games Crew"(DPGC).

If you have ever picked up a book on history you have seen that history is full of stories of peoples being exterminated, destroyed, and crushed. It is the responsibility of nations to protect its people. Sadly the wealthiest nations have always been the primary targets of lesser nations. For this reason the powerful nations have needed to control the world to deter invasion, attacks, and rebellion. Call it paranoia but those that have achieved have something to defend. Those nations with slum cities are willing to step up to the gambling table of war to improve their lot in life.

Attila at Chalons.

We, the civilized nations of the world, must not only sieze control of the world but we must be seen to be in control. I certainly do not advocate us doing this alone. We must organize the "haves" and bring them to the table and form a council of the willing. History will judge us differently than the media. The question is whether we will survive and thrive as a people. We must secure a stable world. Trouble makers need to be confronted and dealt with in the language they understand, brutal force.

The DPGC will be able to project power but will use such power to keep the peace. As such a force, we should not meddle with contries politics unless they are in severe breech of human rights. Invasions and any form of coercion will not be tolerated. Developement of nuclear weapons will be dealt with firmly. We will be the final arbitor. We will be the last one standing. Game time is over, school is about to start.

Don't like it? Fine. But don't step out of line or you will feel the heat.

DPGC- the Future is our Fifty First State


Blogger MDConservative said...

Ok, sounds good to me.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Think Tank Commander said...

Hold your horsies... we're still debating whether we should put an actual star on the flag or not.

1:56 PM  
Blogger MDConservative said...

Since you speak of a coalition of the "haves" we could not. Plus making it an actual State? Just more politicians to send to D.C.

My vote is for sharing the resources, and turning the troublemakers in to a VIP Club-Med type resorts for the "have" countries.

11:27 PM  

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